Why Work With Us?
Local Custom Manufactuer
Making your custom products locally makes the entire process quicker and easier. When you choose to work with us you can get hands on with the creation of your products from day one.
We don't limit you to a catalog or set styles. Instead our team is able to craft an end product that exactly matches your expectations.
Community Impact
We're committed to reshoring garment manufacturing to the US and providing jobs and skills training for the people of Cincinnati.
Choosing to work with a local business like ours helps to stimulate the local economy and ensure that skill manufacturing jobs are protected for years to come.
Environmental Impact
Working with overseas production partners means more transport miles for your finished goods. Often times it also means lower quality environmental standards adhered to in the country of origin.
By choosing to work with us you can rest assured that your custom products have been made in an environmentally sensitive way which minimises transport distances.
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